Feynman Zhou

Product Manager at Microsoft

Feynman is a product manager for Microsoft Azure. He focuses on software supply chain security. Besides, Feynman is a CNCF Ambassador, Feynman helps CNCF to promote cloud native technologies in China. He has hosted several online or in-person campaigns, such as Kubernetes Community Days China, CNCF Webinar, and cloud native meetups. Feynman is also an InfoQ DevOps Editor. You can find the blogs and news writen by Feynman on his InfoQ profile. Feel free to contact Feynman to write a piece of news for your project if you want. When Feynman is not working, he enjoys playing basketball, hiking, reading, listening podcasts, etc. Feynman is interested in any kind of sport. You can download or preview my resume from this place. Want to have a talk or have a cup of coffee with Feynman? Book a slot with Feynman on Calendly. If you are working in China, you can connect with Feynman via WeChat ID 493200090.


The Poisson Distribution: Your Key to Predicting the Unforeseeable

The blog post explores the Poisson distribution, a statistical distribution commonly used in various fields, including astronomy, to model random events. It explains the properties of the distribution, its real-world applications, and provides a step-by-step guide on how to visualize the Poisson distribution using Python. The post also discusses the issue of Poisson noise in astronomical observations and presents a practical example of how to calculate and deal with it using Python.